Pdf Sewing Pattern: 1901 Q Tee Sew Along Part 1 (Shoulders and Sleeves)

Shoulder Seams

With right sides together pin top front to back at shoulders. You have two options to stabilize the shoulder seam to prevent it from stretching out over time. The first option is using twill tape within the seam. The second is called a topstitched stabilized seam and the one I use to most. Stitch shoulders together using a 5/8 inch seam allowance, press seam allowance to the back( optional; finish seam ), from the right side topstitch next to seamline through all layers.


If you look at your sleeve head, you will notice the front is different from the back. The back has more of a curve 

With right sides together and being careful that front sleeve is matching front of the top and sleeve back with back of the top, pin sleeve to bodice. Stitch sleeve to bodice using a 5/8 seam allowance. Press seam towards the bodice.

Optional: Finish sleeve seam allowance

Next post we will finish the neckline.

Until next time, happy sewing...


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